Women’s Ministry

Dr. Daniel has made it a priority to participate with women in teaching to make them part of the true disciples of Christ Jesus
Although there is very strong opposition about women not teaching or preaching in the church according to the book of 1Timothy 2:12 and the book of 1Corinthians 14:34, where some churches use those scriptures to deny women the opportunity to serve in the Five levels of services available in the book of Ephesians 4:11
because the step of serving Christ begins with discipleship and you cannot continue to be a disciple every day. you will begin to be a Disciples in the word of Christ and later you become a teacher and continue.

Do women deserve to be teachers? are they eligible to serve in these 5 Ministry? the answer is yes.

The book of Matthew 28:18-20 says make disciples of all nations….

He did not say make the nations of men disciples of Jesus, no.
are all nations only men? or are women found in those nations? the answer is yes.
When you say a woman and she keeps quiet, have you ever wondered that there is no woman without a man!
in other words, if a woman is told to shut up, it means that the man should also shut up.
have you read these texts here?

1Corinthians 7:33-34 man and woman deal with the affairs of this world” The word this world means the world under the rule of the devil because he is the God of this world” 2Corinthians 4:4, 1Corinthians 3:19, Romans 12: 2 now if the scriptures say that he is busy with the things of this world, what picture do you get there? That is, the lives of these people are living a carnal life and not for the life of Christianity.

Who told you that we stand before Christ as men?

If today we will have pastors and prophets and apostles and evangelists and teachers who are married or married, are they busy with God or with the things of this world?

Dr. Daniel has been a teacher who is very fond of asking this question: the scriptures say women should be silent…. when you Pastor say Praise be to the Lord Jesus and the women answer Amen, are they saying or are they silent?

Most of the pastors fail to answer Dr. Daniel. When you say Alleluyah and they respond AMEN, have they said it or not?

They fail to answer Dr. Daniel.
Are we already married or betrothed to Christ? Dr. Daniel has become a teacher who has broken many obstacles placed on women by their churches to make them recognize themselves for serving Christ.
Women should be true disciples of Christ Jesus.

The call of Dr. Daniel to all the women in the world who have services to teach their fellow women, it is important to join the Servant of God Dr. Daniel in order to be able to expand the reach of many women in the world for the purpose of completing the calling of women.

Feel free to contribute whatever you have to facilitate this great work that Dr. Daniel for women around the world.

-Dr. Daniel firmly believes that women is the temple of God

-Women are heirs in the seed of our father Abraham. and not only men.

-He also believes that a women is also a sacred sacrifice that always pleases God if she has offered before the Lord in a state of holiness.

Invite Dr. Daniel in your church or in your Ministry for teaching women and you will enjoy and see the unique revelation that God has blessed him with that teaching.

We have had many testimonies of how Women can change their old lives and become new people in a position to serve God.

Many see only 12 Disciples, but Dr. Daniel sees more than 12 because on that day of Pentecost all those in that apartment were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.
were there women? Yes they were there.

Jesus did not only make men to become his disciples but also made women to be true disciples of Christ Jesus.
What do you learn from the Samaritan woman? Have you read the history in John 4:28-30
Women must go and tell people to come and see the Lord, that is, Christ.
How many women are ready to hold this call to teach other women?

Dr. DANIEL has been a wonderful leader and God is using him in a wonderful way when he teaches women.
When women hear and see the broadcasts of Dr. Daniel’s teachings, many women like to attend because there is something precious that God has placed in them and they also have a unique revelation that God gives them in order to convey the message in a very good and easy way.
We have been witnessing the Power of the Holy Spirit in those seminars and meetings where people are filled and start speaking in different languages.

He has been able to hold a seminar during the Easter period, where on the day that he passed, more than 78% of women brought their husbands to come and hear what Dr. Daniel was teaching, which says the power of a woman who knows Jesus.

Dr. Daniel does not teach all that because it brings opposition in the church or in marriage, but rather help in the church and in building the body of Jesus Christ.
If you are a saved woman and you know the challenges that women go through in churches and in our traditions and rituals then agree to support Daniel so that he can reach many women around the world. Participate in this work of teaching with Dr. Daniel through your Donations.