About the book

this book will show you the power of prayer, why you should pray, why you should set aside
time for prayer. What is the difference between praying and fasting?
Does God need us to pray while fasting?
Or God needs you to pray to fast your sins.
The book will give you a very good guide on how you should pray to approach God in the
right way.
Remember that praying is a way to talk to God our creator.
many people have had many ways to pray by going to the mountain, fasting, sleeping on the
mountain etc…
What are the prayers you should pray for?
be very careful in reading this book.
“Hebrews 5:7 Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and
supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death,
and was heard in that he feared;”
Don’t miss reading this book if you are a prayerful person.

About the Author

Dr. Daniel k Boniface is a commissioned and ordained Teacher of Christ Jesus to the
Nations. He is the father of two daughters. My first daughter’s name is Beatrice Daniel
Boniface and my second daughter’s name is Rahab Daniel Boniface
My dear wife Rahab lost her life in 2010.
Sincere thanks to my daughters who have been patient during this period when I have been
busy writing this book.
founder and Chairman of Rehoboth Discipleship International.
Reaching many nations;
making disciples, discovering and developing leaders, training ministers and leaders, raising
disciples to God, bringing the revelation of discipleship and imparting discipleship grace to
churches, dominations, organizations and ministries in all Nations
churches and ministries across the nations

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