I was born in 5/5/1962 in Bungoma county western party of Kenya. My all parents were. My fathers name was Labani Bulime Wopicho and My Mothers name was Paulina Khaoma. My father was a heavy machine operator. I therefore came to surrender my life to Jesus Christ in 1975 at Faith Baptist church kiruku , kikoneni location Kwale county.

county. I was trained as Social work. I was a group trainer, Youths, widows, older age, Ovcs , behavior change to youths, and find ways to overcome challenges , form groups and train them. Plan international does not issue certificate but provide skills and knowledge to work in the community and bring development in the community.

I was brought up in a Christian family and I used to be going to church along with my our Mother to church every sunday. I then joined Sunday school teenager and I come to receive Jesus Christ as my personal savior. In 1975, I was Baptized in 1976, in many waters in the Church-of Faith Baptist,at Kikoneni location Kwale county.In primary school I had no problem. When I joined Secondary school problems of sickness arise and when I reached form 3, things become worse and I left school , my parents tried as they can make me well but it was not easy. I was taken different Hospital but they find no disease. The following year I went back to school things was good but I went on like that until sat for my form four examination, I did not do well because of sickness challenges,but I thank GOD.

One day when I had lost hope of living because my body was restless, when I was in sleeping I come to a dream I sow I was in a big crowed of people sick standing and I was behind them and I found myself attenuated , suddenly I a sound from heaven called me Ibrahim three times calling me to come out and heal the sick, at the very time I answered and i replied when my time comes I will do so, and I find myself awake, after three days the dream called me again and I heard someone speak to me says that I will not be healed until I serve GOD . The dream came again and I was told that I will not receive healing anywhere untilIaccept GodinJesusChrist
It come one day when I visited my Brother in Town I come across some posters advert, written that welcome to the crusade, bring the sick , cripple, blind will they receive healing in JESUS NAME. I then remembered the scripture in matthew 10;8,and I reconed my dreams, I say it is my time of healing because I usually read the Bible and I had read about the miracle that JESUS CHRIST deed, my faith started growing ready for my miracle, I said I will be the first to receive healing, then I will see those blind see. When it was the time for man of God to step on the platform walking saying Hallellujah Automatically my pain dissapeared , decease vanished at the very moment, I was healed in JESUS NAME, it was 1987.
One when I was in sleep again I found myself clipping up the house was made by glsses , when I was near to open the door ,someone opened the door coming outside and gave a certificate , and I come back down step ,when I was down living the house , somebody appeared to me unaware being wearing a white gament very bright with a big Bible opened it in front of my eyes , he streanched his finger to the book of mark 16;15-21 and told me to read and I red the scriptures and eventually he vanished without seeing him again. Im currently serving God with Greater destiny ministry international as a reverent. I have bean in ministry serving since 1989 and in 1990 I was serving GOD with Ushidi Baptist church Kikoneni, Kwale. I then joined Greater Destiny Ministry International. So I m in GODs serves for 35 years in the Ministry.

Im married to Nancy Wanjiru , we are blessed with ten children , one boy and nine girls . they are all adult ,we are blessed with grand children . My wife is 56 years of age and im 63 years of age.
Thanks God bless.