Become a Volunteer

Become a Volunteer and Help Make True Disciples of Christ Jesus!

At Rehoboth Discipleship International, we are a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching the correct teachings of Christ Jesus to leaders while working hard for it. We believe that true discipleship is the solution to the problem faced by today’s world. While we are not a church with regular Sunday worship, we have been in contact with many servants of God across the world to share the great call to make all people true disciples of Christ Jesus.

As it says in Matthew 15:13, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots.” This is why we are committed to teaching the correct doctrine to ensure that everyone in the church agrees to be a true disciple of Christ Jesus and not just a partner in the church.

If you are touched in any way to help this work, we welcome you to become a volunteer. We believe that every small effort counts, and you can help in any way you are touched by what God has said to you. If you share our vision of making leaders into true disciples of Christ Jesus, we ask for your cooperation.

If you have access to partners who distribute the Bible, various Christian books, or any other materials that can help in this mission, please do not hesitate to share them with us. We use these materials to conduct various seminars for pastors and church leaders.

Join us today in making a difference in the world by becoming a volunteer at Rehoboth Discipleship International. Let us work together to make true disciples of Christ Jesus!