About RDI.world

Rehoboth Discipleship International is an international ministry dedicated to developing Discipleship at the highest levels. RDI is not a church as it is said to be. but it is a Christian organization that exists specifically to teach all people of different tribes the true word of Christ.

RDI emphasizes the efforts of church leaders to teach the truth so that believers become disciples and not partners. That has been a priority of Dr. Daniel has teachings and leaders of various Churches. let’s start first with leadership. The leadership should first be the leaders of the disciples and then let’s go to the believers.

John 8:31. Jesus first became a disciple of the Father. Today many pastors are pastors, but they are not disciples. ask yourself how they reached the maturity of leadership. We don’t need to have shortcut Leaders.

Our Mission

“For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are All things, in bringing many sons (disciples) to glory, to make the captain of Their salvation perfect through sufferings” Hebrews 2:10. It is time for the Servants of God to ‘to become sons’ and walk in the inheritance that God has Reserved for us. Our vision is to see many sons walking in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ so that He can be manifest in all the earth.


“To equip [perfect] the saints, to do the work of the ministry, to build up The body of Christ” Ephesians 4:12. This means bringing each person to the full Expression of ministry within the church through teaching and training. The Release of well-trained ministers will cause the church to grow up into all that Christ intends as revealed in the New Testament.


To raise up workers for the harvest (Luke 10:2), to bring about the Effectual Discipleship training of our generation in preparation for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ; to raise disciples in every nation to father the Church; to build the house of God [church] in every place according to the Master plan (Corinthians 3:10-11) and this is done by receiving best Leadrs.


Through teaching, to make known “the revelation of the mystery By preaching the unsearchable riches of Christ” Ephesians 3:8-10; teaching And training in the word of God [Bible]; experience in ministry of the gifts of The Holy Spirit; group involvement in prayer and worship; daily breaking of Bread with disciples being trained in this ministry.

Philosophy: We believe the LORD is preparing His church to be a glorious ‘Bride- church’ (Eph.5:26-27) and is raising up workers [sons of the Kingdom] in His church to go into the harvest.

The harvest is the training Of the word of God, bringing many into a relationship with Jesus Christ and Helping them grow to maturity.

We are actively involved in the Discipleship And Discipleship reformation of the church of Jesus Christ and teach Disciples doctrine of Revelation. The church is being restored according to the Scriptures